Monday, August 8, 2011

90 watts - 3way multisystem design by IC tda2052

hi guys, here's a new design of 3 way multisystem with one woofer and 2 speaker outputs....

The design is pretty simple .......
sound quality is like crystal .......
can use it in homes or outdoor...... 

any question regarding this amplifier please inform me....... thanks :)
have a great day

Thursday, March 10, 2011

35 + 35 = 70 watts amplifier

hi , people .... here's the circuit diagram and the list of components of this 35 + 35 = 70 watts amplifier....
this amplifier has the following characteristics...
1. Easy to built..
2. Pure sound quality.
3. High gain.
4. Cheap (maintenance)
5. Supports more than 100 watts 10 or 12 inch speakers... ( 3 way speaker system )

                                                          (( Circuit diagram ))

(( circuit components ))

All these components are easily available in market all over in Pakistan and other countries 
  component name              price                        quantity
 1 . Tda 2030 ( IC )            Rs. 30                        4
 2   Resistors                       Rs. 10                      22 K (10)
                                                                           1 ohm (4)
                                                                          680 ohm (4)
3 . Capacitors                    Rs. 15                      2.2 uF  / 50 VOLTS (2)
                                                                         100 uF / 50 VOLTS (4)
                                                                         104 (4)
                                                                         224 (4)
4 . Circuit board                Rs. 20                      1 or 2 (depends)
5 . Jumper wires                Rs. 20                      2 sets (minimum)
6.  Heats sync's                 Rs. 50 each              4 or 2

   These above are the circuit components and their price lists ... the prices may vary from shop to shop but not much..........

                         The proper power supply required for this circuit is built as in this circuit diagram 

                                                  (( Power supply circuit ))

the power supply above is showing output of 45 volts dual where as for this circuit (under discussion) does not require such a large voltage to operate ... it operates fine between the range from 15 - 18 volts..
the capacitors should be minimum 3500 uF's as they are of 4500 uF's in the above circuit ... where as the connections are same as in above circuit diagram ...


The transformer which is used must be (( CENTER TAP )) with voltage ranging ( 15 - 0 - 15 )

Components of  ((power supply))
      Center tap transformer ( 15 - 0 - 15)                      (1)                          Rs. 150 / 120 
      Diodes 1N4004                                                     (4)                          Rs. 4

      Capacitors ( 3300 uF/ 50 VOLTS )                       (2)                          Rs. 50 (both)

      if you design this circuit of ur own then it will cost only Rs.450 approximately , but if u r willing to purchase 

the designed circuit then it is of  Rs.1000 ( with 6 months warranty )

       If u have any questions regarding this small project then do comments ..... i will help u 

thanks for visiting our link...

regards : BLAZE corp. LAHORE PK

the other projects will be uploaded soon along with the videos..... the circuits which are uploaded in this link  are completely free of errors and are tested many times.... so , dont b in any doubt about these circuit diagrams..... they are 100 % working and tested many times...

<<upcoming circuits>>

2 x 20 watt pre-amplifier
200 watts power amplifier
7 watt mono amplifier
subwoofer low pass filter
 audio analyzer
DX bass circuit
800 watts amplifier
2 x 2000 = 4000 watts power amplifier

Saturday, February 19, 2011

DIY (do it yourself) amplifier projects

hi, every one and asslamualaikum, i hope you will b enjoying good health ...
i am here by inform you that if u r realy interested in DIY projects then u r at the best place...where you will not only be guided to design your own projects but also if anyone of you wants to purchase , sale his / her products then just post your links or any other materials regaring your product..... the interested people will contact you well, now come to the other aspect of this blog......... i know every one in struggling to make money who ever dont like to earn ????? so we are giving you another platform to increase your monthly income by working online and i assure you that its 100% free n free of risk and it will 100 % wwork inshALLAH ...
the step by step procedure will b giver to you for more info about that just visit this link

now come again towards amplifier projects ....
we have a complete range of amplifier designs, circuit diagrams, regarding their wattage and channels e.g
20 W 40W  100W 200W 400W 2000W and so on.........

the circuit diagrams , component lists and prices will be posted soon ....
for introduction just watch this video

 thanks....... !!

regard : blaze corporation , lahore